- largetst of population irrespective of its size
- highest no: of HIV Patients
- highest no: of beggars
- highest no: of people under poverty line
in the world is our great India!The world bank defines poverty as that a person should have atlease $1(U.S) for his own being per day. If it is so each person in India must earn 365$ per year. Politicians in India say that poverty is eradicated. If it is so, many people in india have their daily wages as Rs 10(about one fourth of an U.S dollar) per day. This amount is required to get the food for avoiding death without poverty. So has the target achieved? What about the minimum needs in education, housing, health services, clothing,and other basic necessities? Are we supposed to live on pavements and sleep under trees from birth till death? YOU BE THE JUDGE!
The only constant thing in life is Change. But here the changes that occur here is only for 5 years. Yes. The government changes every five years. Thats it.If India could provide Roads, Electricity, TV's and Telephones in every village, it would improve, education, health, family planning, agriculture, animal husbandry, GDP and reduce migration from villages to cities.So lets change it!
1 comment:
largetst of population irrespective of its size
highest no: of HIV Patients
highest no: of beggars
highest no: of people under poverty line in the world is our great India!
What the hell....compare it wth the size of population. India is 2nd largest. Go for no. of HIV n all per person,,,,there u wl find the true picture....
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