Smoking. It is the habit not only men but both women and youngsters got addicted to. Today if you got a chance to see canteen in cinema theatres, shops opposite to offices, work places and mostly educational institutions, universities, colleges and schools you can find a lot of people smoking around. They are killing themselves. Thats it. Even many of my close friends are chain smokers. They find very hard, not to stop smoking but to run their time without smoking. I read somewhere that nearly 100% of the women want to marry men who does’nt smoke. The most astonishing fact in this, is that women who smokes also doesn't want their would-be to smoke. Health-wise it kills the lungs day by day.
Smoking makes people to die soon and that too in middle-ages. This holds good 80% perfect for men. Though there is an instruction in every packet of cigarette that "smoking is injurious to health" people love to have the piece of cigarette in their hands for no reason other than that they are addicted to it.
It is not only kils the person who smokes it but also kills more the person who sits near to the smoker and inhales the smoke. He is a passive smoker and he gets affected more than the one who smokes. I have been a passive smoker for a lot of times and I could do nothing because the active smokers were my dearest ones.
(To be continued-Effects of Smoking)
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