Sunday, November 30, 2008

Digital image processing

Digital Image Processing is concerned with acquiring and processing of an image. In simple words an image is a representation of a real scene, either in black and white or in color, and either in print form or in a digital form i.e., technically a image is a two-dimensional light intensity function. In other words it is a data intensity values arranged in a two-dimensional form like an array, the required property of an image can be extracted from processing an image. Image is typically by stochastic models. It is represented by AR model. Degradation is represented by MA model.

Other form is orthogonal series expansion. Image processing system is typically non-casual system. Image processing is two dimensional signal processing. Due to linearity Property, we can operate on rows and columns separately. Image processing is vastly being implemented by “Vision Systems” in robotics. Robots are designed, and meant to be controlled by a computer or similar devices. While “Vision Systems” are most sophisticated sensors used in Robotics. They relate the function of a robot to its environment as all other sensors do. “Vision Systems” may be used for a variety of applications, including manufacturing, navigation and surveillance.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Avoid unhealthy foods

An apple a day keeps the doctor away from you. This was told by some one. But it is a true fact indeed. Eating and sleeping are good for health if they are done in a proper and regular basis too. But the biggest illusion is we can live long happily if we eat healthy foods and do exercises. Doing exercises is a different thing. But while it comes to eating it is not that we can stay healthy if we eat healthy foods only. We can be healthy if we avoid unhealthy foods. Fruits and vegetables make humans to live long than they deserve nowadays. Our grand parents would have lived for say 80 or 90 years. But the next generation people cannot live for long. Because, they doesn’t know how to avoid unhealthy foods. So stay healthy by avoiding unhealthy foods.

Monday, November 10, 2008


The other way of retention is, the power to revive again in our minds those ideas which, after imprinting, have disappeared, or have bee as it were laid aside out of sight. And thus we do, when we conceive heat or light, yellow or sweet, - the object being removed. This is memory, which is as it were the storehouse of our ideas. For, the narrow mind of man not being capable of having many ideas under view and consideration at once, it was necessary to have a repository, to lay up those ideas which, at another time, it might have use of. But, our ideas being nothing but actual perceptions in the mind, which cease to be anything when there is no perception of them; this laying up of our ideas in the repository of the memory signifies no more but this, - that the mind has a power in many cases to revive perceptions which it has once had, with this additional perception annexed to them, that it has had them before. And in this sense it is that our ideas are said to be in our memories, when indeed they are actually nowhere: - but only there is an ability in the mind when it will to revive them again, and as it were paint them anew on itself, though some with more, some with less difficulty; some more lively, and others more obscurely. And thus it is, by the assistance of this faculty, that we are said to have all those ideas in our understandings which, though we do not actually contemplate, yet we can bring in sight, and make appear again, and be the objects of our thoughts, without the help of those sensible qualities which first imprinted them there

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Software fault tolerance

Software fault tolerance is a new and emerging field, and their state of the art is primitive. Software faults are quick unlike hardware faults. However software never wares out, so that the faults are can be regarded instead as faults in design.
To provide reliability in the face of software faults, we must use redundancy. This means replicating the same software N times will not work; all N copies will fail for the same inputs. Single version software is already more expensive than the hardware in most large systems; demanding N versions of software for even small N can be very expensive.

There are two approaches to handling multiple versions. N version programming involves running all N versions in parallel and voting on the output. In contrast, the recovery–block approach involves running only one version at any one time. The output of this version is put throw an acceptance test, which checks to see if it is an acceptable range. If it is the output is passed as correct.