Thursday, January 15, 2009


Knowledge then seems to me to be nothing but the perception of the connexion of and agreement, or disagreement and repugnancy of any of our ideas. In this alone it consists. Where this perception is, there is knowledge, and where it is not, there, though we may fancy, guess, or believe, yet we always come short of knowledge. For when we know that white is not black, what do we else but perceive, that these two ideas do not agree? When we possess ourselves with the utmost security of the demonstration, that the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right ones, what do we more but perceive, that equality to two right ones what do we more but perceive, that equality two right ones does necessarily agree to, and is inseparable from, the three angles of a triangle? A man infallibly knows, as soon as ever he has them in his mind, that the ideas he calls white and round are the very ideas they are; and that they are not other ideas which he calls red or square. Nor can any maxim or proposition in the world make him know it clearer or sure than he did before, and without any such general rule. This then is the first agreement or disagreement which the mind perceives in its ideas; which it always perceives at first sight: and if there ever happened any doubt about it, it will always be found to be about the names, and not the ideas themselves, whose identity are; nor can it possibly be otherwise

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Preparing Sambar Vada!


half cup of Urad Daal and another half cup of cup Moong Daal and one Onion finely chopped, one tea spoon Ginger, 1-2 Green Chilies finely chopped, Salt to taste, 1/4 tea spoon of Baking Soda

How to make vada sambhar :

* Pick up, wash and soak daals for three to four hours.
* Care fuly grind them coarsely in a blender.
* Then add onions, ginger, green chilies as required salt and baking powder and mix well and set aside for five to ten minutes.
* Heat oil in a pan or kadhai and deep fry a spoon ful of batter till golden color comes.
* Serve with chutney as a breakfast or sambhar or rasam as a meal.

I want every one to try this out and enjoy the happy meal!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Significance of words

Man, though he have great variety of thoughts, and such from which others as well as himself might receive profit and delight; yet they are all within his own breast, invisible and hidden from others, nor can of themselves be made to appear. The comfort and advantage of society not being to be had without communication of thoughts, it was necessary that man should find out some external sensible signs, whereof those invisible ideas, which his thoughts are made up of, might be made known to others. For this purpose nothing was so fit, either for plenty or quickness, as those articulate sounds, which with so much ease and variety he found himself able to make. Thus we may conceive how words, which were by nature so well adapted to that purpose, came to be made use of by men as the signs of their ideas; not by any natural connexion that there is between particular articulate sounds and certain ideas, for then there would be but one language amongst all men; but by a voluntary imposition, whereby such a word is made arbitrarily the mark of such an idea. The use, then, of words, is to be sensible marks of ideas; and the ideas they stand for are their proper and immediate signification.