Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Voice over ip
Voice over IP is about transmitting voice information across an IP network, for example the Internet. The classical application of VoIP is as a telephone alternative.
The Internet Protocol (IP) is a part of the TCP/IP architecture. The protocol itself offers only a best-effort service: packets can be delivered out of order, corrupted, duplicated or not at all. Also, each packet takes a different amount of time to reach its destination. Applications normally do not use IP itself, but the higher level protocols: TCP, which offers a reliable byte stream service, and UDP, which offers a similar service as IP.
The speech signal is transmitted by digitising tiny pieces of it at regular intervals and sending these to the destination where an analogue signal is reconstructed. For good quality communication, the overall delay should be below 200 ms. Delay variance or jitter should be eliminated through buffering. Speech communication is fairly tolerant to lost or corrupted packets.
When the digitised speech signal is left uncompressed, a bandwidth of 64 kbps is needed for telephone quality communication. Various compression techniques can reduce this amount. The most successful among them model how the speech was produced rather than the signal itself. Various compression standards allow interoperability between applications.
To transmit the speech data, TCP is not a good choice: it has a lot of features which are unnecessary for VoIP, but which increase the overall delay. UDP itself is too simple, but we can extend it: this is the way RTP is used in the TCP/IP architecture. The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) provides information for synchronisation, flow and congestion control and identification. To provide some quality of service (QoS) guarantees, resources can be reserved by using RSVP, the Resource Reservation Protocol.
For VoIP in virtual environments, speech data will have to be sent to several destinations. This can be done in an efficient way by using multicasting. When a packet arrives at the receiver, the voice signal is extracted and a 3D effect is added to it, corresponding to the position of the sender. A sound appears to be localised because of interaural differences. These differences can be captured in Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) which can then be used to recreate localised sound.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Self depends on Consciousness, not on Substance. –Self is that conscious thinking thing, -whatever substance made up of, (whether spiritual or material, simple or compounded, it matters not)-which is sensible or conscious of pleasure and pain, capable of happiness or misery, and so is concerned for itself, as far as that consciousness extends. Thus every one finds that, whilst comprehended under that consciousness, the little finger is as much a part of himself as what is most so. Upon separation of this little finger, should this consciousness go along with the little finger, and leave the rest of the body, it is evident the little finger would be the person, the same person; and self then would have nothing to do with the rest of the body. As in this case it is the consciousness that goes along with the substance, when one part is separate from another, which makes the same person, and constitutes this inseparable self: so it is in reference to substances remote in time. That with which the consciousness of this present thinking thing can join itself, makes the same person, and is one self with it, and with nothing else; and so attributes to itself, and owns all the actions of that thing, as its own, as far as that consciousness reaches, and no further; as every one who reflects will perceive.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
City Of Ember
City of Ember is a very nice movie which was released in October 2008. The movie is starring Bill Murray and Saoirse Ronan. The story line of the movie is quite different from the other usual movies. This is actually a science fiction fantasy film based on the novel by the same name which was released in 2003. The director has made good hard work in picturizing the story to reality. The thrilling sequences was the very highlight of the movie. I suggest you guys to watch the movie soon and enjoy with your family. The movie was distributed by 20th century fox and Walden media.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Made by mind
We have hitherto considered those ideas, in the reception whereof the mind is only passive, which are those simple ones received from sensation and reflection before mentioned, whereof the mind cannot make one to itself, nor have any idea which does not wholly consist of them. But as the mind is wholly passive in the reception of all its simple ideas, so it exerts several acts of its own, whereby out of its simple ideas, as the materials and foundations of the rest, the others are framed. The acts of the mind, where in it exerts its power over its simple ideas, are chiefly these three: (1) Combining several simple ideas into one compound one; and thus all complex idea are made. (2) The second is bringing two ideas, whether simple or complex, together, and setting them by one another, so as to take a view of them at once, without uniting them into one; by which way it gets all its ideas of relations. (3) The third is separating them from all other ideas that accompany them in their real existence: this is called abstraction: and thus all its general idea are made. This shows man’s power, and its ways of operation, to be much the same in the material and intellectual world. For the materials in both being such as he has no power over, either to make or destroy, all that man can do is either to unite them together, or to set them by one another, or wholly separate them. I shall here begin with the first of these in the consideration of complex ideas, and come to the other two in their due places. As simple ideas are observed to exist in several combinations united together, so the mind has a power t consider several of them united together as one idea; and that not only as they are united in external objects, but as itself has joined them together. Ideas thus made up of several simple ones put together, I call complex; -such as are beauty, gratitude, a man, an army, the universe; which, though complicated of various simple ideas, or complex ideas made up of simple ones, yet are, when the mind pleases, considered each by itself, as one entire thing, and signified by one name.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Abstractions in mind
The use of words then being to stand as outward marks of our internal ideas, and those ideas being taken from particular things, if every particular idea that we take in should have a distinct name, names must be endless. To prevent this, the mind makes the particular ideas received from particular objects to become general; which is done by considering them as they are in the mind such appearances,-separate from all other existences, and the circumstances of real existence, as time, place, or any other concomitant ideas. This is called ABSTRACTION, whereby ideas taken from particular beings become general representatives of all of the same kind; and their names general names, applicable to whatever exists conformable to such abstract ideas. Such precise, naked appearances in the mind, without considering how, whence, or with what others they came there, the understanding lays up (with names commonly annexed to them) as the standards to rank real existences into sorts, as they agree with these patterns, and to denominate them accordingly. Thus the same colour being observed to-day in chalk or snow, which the mind yesterday received form milk, it considers that appearance alone, makes it a representative of all of that kind; and having given it the name whiteness, it by that sound signifies the same quality wheresoever to be imagined or met with; and thus universals, whether ideas or terms, are made.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
'Chak De India' always rocks!
Chak De India is one of the greatest films of Indian cinema history. It differs from the usual trend in Indian cinema and looked great. It is a great film in other aspect also. In giving up light to hockey which is the national game of
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